A downloadable game for Windows

Combined Arms is a 1-man project with not much of an intent except to create a semi-challenging yet casual experience, taken inspiration mainly from Why485's Tiny Combat arena with some inspiration also being drawn from Bohemia Interactive's Cold War Assault.

Some things will not make sense but I won't try to make them make sense, it's just a simple free game.

The gameplay is mainly centered in Air-to-Ground combat, with there being present two enemy factions, the FSDF and Warsaw Pact, armed with S-75, 9K31 and ZSU-23-4 systems for engaging you, as well as friendly armor elements such as the M1 Abrams, M60A1 and the M2 Bradley. You are supposed to destroy every armor element possible in the aid of friendly armor to take the points. The game ends in a win if your team (currently only NATO) takes both the A and B point.

The game currently takes place on Voltia, the second island in the Fasonian Archipelago, which is located somewhere in the Eastern Pacific, close to Indonesia.


CA_EX_Setup.exe 81 MB

Development log

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